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IELTS Academic Reading Vocabulary

IELTS Reading is the one most important and difficult part of International English Language Testing System, While reading the passages you have to give the answers of the questions and match the pattern or linking between statements and the paragraph. Here you can find very important vocabulary words in IELTS Academic Reading Vocabulary List.

List of words in IELTS Academic Reading Vocabulary

  1. abandon
  2. abrupt
  3. absorption
  4. abstain
  5. accelerate
  6. acclaim
  7. accordance
  8. account
  9. acquire
  10. adamant
  11. adequate
  12. adjacent
  13. adjust
  14. advocate
  15. aggregate
  16. aging
  17. airline
  18. alignment
  19. alter
  20. altitude
  21. amend
  22. amenity
  23. artificial
  24. ascent
  25. ascertain
  26. assess
  27. attain
  28. attempt
  29. attribute
  30. avoid
  31. bacteria
  32. behalf
  33. beneficial
  34. benign
  35. berserk
  36. bias
  37. biased
  38. bolster
  39. brain
  40. brakes
  41. breach
  42. breakneck
  43. brunt
  44. budget
  45. casual
  46. catalyst
  47. cease
  48. censure
  49. character
  50. charge
  51. chronic
  52. cite
  53. codify
  54. cognitive
  55. coherent
  56. coin
  57. commence
  58. commit
  59. commodity
  60. comparison
  61. compatible
  62. compensate
  63. compile
  64. complaint
  65. complement
  66. comply
  67. component
  68. comprise
  69. compute
  70. conceive
  71. concurrent
  72. condition
  73. conduct
  74. confer
  75. confine
  76. conform
  77. congenital
  78. congestion
  79. conscious
  80. consent
  81. consequent
  82. consortium
  83. constitute
  84. constrain
  85. consult
  86. contend
  87. context
  88. contingent
  89. contradict
  90. contrary
  91. contrast
  92. contribute
  93. convene
  94. convention
  95. convince
  96. coordinate
  97. core
  98. corporate
  99. correspond
  100. courageous
  101. criterion
  102. crucial
  103. cue
  104. curb
  105. curriculum
  106. debate
  107. decisive
  108. deduce
  109. deficiency
  110. definite
  111. deliberate
  112. delivery
  113. demanding
  114. denial
  115. denote
  116. deplete
  117. depress
  118. deprive
  119. deprived
  120. despair
  121. detain
  122. detect
  123. determine
  124. deviate
  125. devote
  126. differ
  127. diminish
  128. discern
  129. disorder
  130. displace
  131. dispose
  132. disruptive
  133. distill
  134. distinct
  135. distort
  136. distorted
  137. diurnal
  138. diverse
  139. diversity
  140. domestic
  141. donate
  142. draft
  143. drastic
  144. dubious
  145. elaborate
  146. elderly
  147. eliminate
  148. elusive
  149. embrace
  150. emerge
  151. emphasize
  152. empirical
  153. empower
  154. encompass
  155. encounter
  156. endanger
  157. endangered
  158. endure
  159. enforce
  160. engagement
  161. engender
  162. enormous
  163. enquiry
  164. ensure
  165. entity
  166. equal
  167. equate
  168. equator
  169. equitable
  170. equivalent
  171. erode
  172. error
  173. escape
  174. estate
  175. ethical
  176. evaluate
  177. even
  178. eventual
  179. eventually
  180. evidence
  181. evitable
  182. evolve
  183. exaggerate
  184. exceed
  185. excel
  186. exchange
  187. exclude
  188. exclusive
  189. execute
  190. exhausted
  191. exhibit
  192. expansion
  193. expansive
  194. expect
  195. expectancy
  196. experience
  197. experiment
  198. expertise
  199. explicit
  200. exploit
  201. expose
  202. extend
  203. extinct
  204. extol
  205. extract
  206. extreme
  207. exude
  208. facilitate
  209. faculty
  210. fair
  211. famine
  212. fatigue
  213. fauna
  214. feasible
  215. feature
  216. fertilizer
  217. fiasco
  218. final
  219. financial
  220. finite
  221. fishery
  222. fit
  223. fitness
  224. flaw
  225. flora
  226. focus
  227. foe
  228. foothold
  229. forage
  230. format
  231. formation
  232. fortuitous
  233. fragile
  234. fragment
  235. freeze
  236. fund
  237. gage
  238. garrulous
  239. gene
  240. germ
  241. giddy
  242. gifted
  243. grade
  244. grant
  245. graphic
  246. guarantee
  247. habitat
  248. halt
  249. handful
  250. haphazard
  251. harbour
  252. hardship
  253. harmonize
  254. harsh
  255. hazard
  256. hinder
  257. hint
  258. hostile
  259. humidity
  260. hypothesis
  261. identify
  262. ignore
  263. illusory
  264. illustrate
  265. imitate
  266. immigrate
  267. immunity
  268. impact
  269. impair
  270. impaired
  271. impede
  272. imperative
  273. implicate
  274. implicit
  275. impose
  276. impressive
  277. inaccurate
  278. inactive
  279. incentive
  280. incidence
  281. incline
  282. inclusion
  283. indicate
  284. individual
  285. induce
  286. indulge
  287. inevitable
  288. infer
  289. inferior
  290. infest
  291. infinite
  292. influence
  293. inhabitant
  294. inherent
  295. inherit
  296. inhibit
  297. inhibition
  298. initial
  299. initiate
  300. innate
  301. innovate
  302. insight
  303. inspect
  304. instance
  305. instruct
  306. integrate
  307. integrity
  308. intense
  309. interior
  310. interpret
  311. interrupt
  312. interval
  313. intervene
  314. intrinsic
  315. invective
  316. invent
  317. inventive
  318. invoke
  319. involve
  320. iron
  321. irrigation
  322. isolate
  323. jeopardize
  324. justify
  325. keen
  326. kinship
  327. label
  328. labor
  329. lack
  330. landscape
  331. laser
  332. legal
  333. legislate
  334. legitimate
  335. levy
  336. liable
  337. liaison
  338. likelihood
  339. likewise
  340. limb
  341. limitation
  342. linguistic
  343. link
  344. log
  345. longevity
  346. loss
  347. lurch
  348. magnetic
  349. main
  350. mainly
  351. make
  352. malleable
  353. mammal
  354. manage
  355. manifest
  356. manifold
  357. margin
  358. marine
  359. masquerade
  360. massive
  361. mate
  362. mature
  363. measure
  364. mechanism
  365. mediate
  366. medical
  367. mediocre
  368. medium
  369. mental
  370. mercury
  371. merely
  372. method
  373. microbe
  374. migrate
  375. military
  376. mimic
  377. minimize
  378. modify
  379. moisture
  380. monitor
  381. moodiness
  382. moral
  383. mortality
  384. motif
  385. motivate
  386. motive
  387. mould
  388. municipal
  389. naive
  390. native
  391. necessary
  392. negate
  393. neglect
  394. neutral
  395. nocturnal
  396. norm
  397. notion
  398. notoriety
  399. notorious
  400. obey
  401. object
  402. objective
  403. obligation
  404. obliged
  405. obscene
  406. obscure
  407. obstacle
  408. obtain
  409. occasion
  410. occupy
  411. odd
  412. odour
  413. offensive
  414. official
  415. offset
  416. offspring
  417. on
  418. ongoing
  419. only
  420. ooze
  421. optimism
  422. optimum
  423. option
  424. ordinary
  425. organ
  426. organize
  427. original
  428. out
  429. outcrop
  430. outer
  431. output
  432. outstrip
  433. overcome
  434. overhaul
  435. overlap
  436. overlook
  437. overseas
  438. overtake
  439. panel
  440. paradigm
  441. paragraph
  442. paralyse
  443. paramount
  444. particular
  445. passage
  446. patent
  447. patient
  448. pattern
  449. peak
  450. perceive
  451. peripheral
  452. permit
  453. persist
  454. persuade
  455. physical
  456. phase
  457. pirate
  458. plagiarise
  459. plague
  460. plane
  461. plausible
  462. plenty
  463. plot
  464. pod
  465. polemic
  466. portable
  467. pose
  468. postpone
  469. potential
  470. poverty
  471. practice
  472. pragmatic
  473. praise
  474. precede
  475. predict
  476. prefer
  477. preference
  478. pressing
  479. presume
  480. prevent
  481. primary
  482. principal
  483. principle
  484. prior
  485. priority
  486. private
  487. proceed
  488. profound
  489. prohibit
  490. prolong
  491. promote
  492. prompt
  493. prone
  494. proof
  495. propensity
  496. property
  497. proportion
  498. propound
  499. proscribe
  500. prospect
  501. prosper
  502. provision
  503. purely
  504. purify
  505. pursue
  506. puzzle
  507. qualify
  508. quantity
  509. question
  510. quotation
  511. radical
  512. rage
  513. range
  514. rare
  515. rate
  516. rather
  517. react
  518. readily
  519. realistic
  520. realize
  521. receptive
  522. recognize
  523. record
  524. recreation
  525. reduction
  526. refer
  527. refine
  528. refrain
  529. reject
  530. relative
  531. relevant
  532. reluctance
  533. reluctant
  534. rely
  535. replace
  536. reproduce
  537. reptilian
  538. resemble
  539. reside
  540. resident
  541. resilience
  542. resistance
  543. resolve
  544. resound
  545. respond
  546. restrain
  547. resurgence
  548. retain
  549. reveal
  550. revise
  551. revision
  552. revive
  553. rigid
  554. risk
  555. robust
  556. ruin
  557. rumbling
  558. scenic
  559. scheme
  560. scope
  561. secrete
  562. sector
  563. seek
  564. service
  565. setting
  566. settle
  567. shade
  568. shelter
  569. shift
  570. shun
  571. signal
  572. similar
  573. skeptical
  574. skepticism
  575. soar
  576. sole
  577. solely
  578. solicitor
  579. solidarity
  580. soluble
  581. specific
  582. sphere
  583. spoil
  584. spouse
  585. stable
  586. stall
  587. standard
  588. statistic
  589. steer
  590. stem
  591. stimulate
  592. stimulus
  593. stress
  594. stride
  595. subdivide
  596. subject
  597. subjugate
  598. submit
  599. subsequent
  600. subsidy
  601. substance
  602. substitute
  603. subtle
  604. successor
  605. succinct
  606. succumb
  607. suffice
  608. suggest
  609. suit
  610. superior
  611. supersede
  612. supplement
  613. suppress
  614. supremacy
  615. surpass
  616. survive
  617. suspicious
  618. sustain
  619. sustenance
  620. swift
  621. syllabus
  622. symbol
  623. symptom
  624. synonymous
  625. synthetic
  626. tolerate
  627. toll
  628. toxic
  629. trace
  630. track
  631. trait
  632. transcend
  633. transit
  634. transmit
  635. tremendous
  636. trigger
  637. tropical
  638. unbiased
  639. undergo
  640. underlie
  641. undertake
  642. uniform
  643. up
  644. urban
  645. utilize
  646. valuable
  647. vanish
  648. variation
  649. variety
  650. vary
  651. vast
  652. verge
  653. versatile
  654. vertebrate
  655. viable
  656. vicinity
  657. view
  658. violent
  659. virus
  660. visible
  661. visual
  662. vocal
  663. volume
  664. vulnerable
  665. warfare
  666. welfare
  667. wholesome
  668. widespread
  669. witness
  670. wreck
  671. yield
  672. zoological
  673. analogy
  674. analyze
  675. ancient
  676. anticipate
  677. accommodate
  678. affiliation
  679. alternative
  680. cardiovascular
  681. chronological
  682. comprehensive
  683. confidential
  684. conservation
  685. contemporary
  686. controversy
  687. deleterious
  688. deliberately
  689. deteriorate
  690. differentiate
  691. discriminate
  692. distinguish
  693. entertainment
  694. entrepreneur
  695. environment
  696. equilibrium
  697. erratically
  698. established
  699. exclusively
  700. forthcoming
  701. frustration
  702. fundamental
  703. immediately
  704. inaccessible
  705. inappropriate
  706. incorporate
  707. incremental
  708. indigestion
  709. infrastructure
  710. installment
  711. intelligence
  712. interaction
  713. interference
  714. introverted
  715. legislation
  716. lopsided
  717. malfunction
  718. manufacture
  719. marginalize
  720. meteorological
  721. necessitate
  722. nevertheless
  723. nonetheless
  724. notwithstanding
  725. opportunity
  726. participate
  727. perspective
  728. pessimistic
  729. practitioner
  730. precipitation
  731. predominant
  732. preliminary
  733. proliferation
  734. propagation
  735. qualitative
  736. renunciation
  737. resemblance
  738. responsible
  739. restriction
  740. rudimentary
  741. significant
  742. sophisticate
  743. sophistication
  744. specification
  745. straightforward
  746. subordinate
  747. sufficiency
  748. surrounding
  749. surveillance
  750. sustainable
  751. therapeutic
  752. transparent
  753. underestimate
  754. unexpectedly
  755. utilization
  756. alluvial
  757. apparent
  758. append
  759. appreciate
  760. approach
  761. exceptional
  762. regime
  763. regimen
  764. regulation
  765. rehearsal
  766. reinforce
  767. reliance
  768. religious
  769. respiration
  770. talented
  771. tape
  772. tension
  773. term
  774. thanks
  775. theme
  776. thereby
  777. threaten
  778. threefold
  779. thrive
  780. throughout
  781. throw
  782. vigorous