Miscellaneous HTML MCQs

HTML MCQs - Miscellaneous HTML MCQs

Miscellaneous HTML MCQs page consists of HTML IDE, Web servers, Web Browsers, Bootstrap, Alert Boxes, Drop downs, Text Fields, Media Objects, Popup boxes, icons, items, transition effects etc

1. Which of the following are table tags?

A. table, thead, tr, td

B. colspan, table, tr

C. table, tt, tr, td

D. thead, colspan, td, tr

Answer: A

2. State whether the given statement is true or false. !DOCTYPE is case sensitive".



C. Nothing Can be Said

D. None of the mentioned

Answer: B

3. Choose the correct statement.

A. In traditional XHTML close tag for some elements is optional but not encouraged

B. In traditional HTML close tag for some elements is optional but not encouraged

C. In both traditional XHTML and HTML close tag for some elements is not optional

D. In both traditional XHTML and HTML close tag for some elements is optional

Answer: B

4. Choose the incorrect escape character entity.

A. >

B. >

C. <

D. &st;

Answer: D

5. A Rendering engine is not responsible for ________

A. parsing the markup content (HTML)

B. parsing style information (CSS, XSL, and so on)

C. generating a visual presentation of the formatted content including media files referenced

D. parsing style information (CSS only)

Answer: D

6. Firefox uses _________ rendering engine.

A. WebKit

B. Gecko

C. Trident

D. Presto

Answer: B

7. What is the use of "defer" attribute?

A. It defers rendering of html page

B. It defers script execution until the page has been rendered

C. It defers rendering of css attributes

D. It is only for internal scripts

Answer: B

8. Which of the following statements is false?

A. async and defer attributes of script tag execute before the DOMContentLoaded event

B. defer executes each script sequentially

C. async executes each script when it is ready

D. all older browsers supports async attribute

Answer: D

9. Which of the following is the first web browser?

A. Nexus

B. Netscape Navigator

C. Internet Explorer

D. Mosaic

Answer: A

10. Who created the first web browser

A. Tim Berners Lee

B. Jacobs, Lan

C. Marc Andeersen

D. Mozilla foundation

Answer: A