Miscellaneous HTML MCQs

HTML MCQs - Miscellaneous HTML MCQs

Miscellaneous HTML MCQs page consists of HTML IDE, Web servers, Web Browsers, Bootstrap, Alert Boxes, Drop downs, Text Fields, Media Objects, Popup boxes, icons, items, transition effects etc

51. Which tag is used with JavaScript?

A. <canvas>

B. <table>

C. <article>

D. <footer>

Answer: A

52. Which tag supports Non-English language?

A. <input>

B. <audio>

C. <embed>

D. <bdo>

Answer: D

53. Which of the following defines the title of a work?

A. <cite>

B. <hr>

C. <a>

D. <address>

Answer: A

54. Which of the following statement is true?

A. Canvas Contains built-in animations

B. SVG needs scripts to draw elements

C. In canvas, drawing is done with pixels

D. SVG don’t support to event handlers

Answer: C

55. What does <main> include?

A. Header

B. Sidebar

C. Article

D. Footer

Answer: C

56. In OSI model USB lies under the layer ___________

A. data Link layer

B. physical layer

C. network layer

D. transport layer

Answer: B

57. IP is used in the level ___________

A. presentation layer

B. network layer

C. application layer

D. data Link layer

Answer: B

58. Which of the following are not the valid character set in HTTP?

A. ISO-8859-1


C. ISO-8859-7

D. ISO-8859-12

Answer: D

59. Which one is the correct syntax for specifying media type?

A. type "/" subtype *( ";" parameter)

B. subtype "/" type *(";" parameter)

C. parameter "/" type *(";" subtype)

D. (";" subtype) "/" type *(parameter)

Answer: A

60. Which of the following is not the request method?

A. Head

B. Get

C. Remove

D. Put

Answer: C